Welcome to CSPA - Parent Engagement

Gearing up for parent engagement
in student learning

The Gearing up for Parent Engagement in Student Learning toolkit has been developed for families and schools to help make the transition into primary and secondary school a great experience for children and young people.
This information will assist the unique relationship between parent and child to flourish into a meaningful partnership between home and school towards improving the learning and wellbeing of students.

The toolkit is comprised of:
(i) Twenty-two modules which provide practical information to assist school staff and families to develop a better understanding of the importance of relationships between home and school.
(ii) Case study videos and vignettes which highlight interviews with parents and principals who outline what their schools are doing to enhance family engagement.
(iii) Six parent engagement workshops – A local facilitator (guide provided) leads principals, teachers, other staff and importantly families through a series of videos guiding participants through various aspects of engaging families in learning and wellbeing.

This website invites you to access information on-line or you can download each of the resources.
Catholic School Parents Australia encourages you to use the many practical ideas on this website to develop a better understanding of how to grow the partnership between home and school to benefit all within the school community.

CSPA also invites your feedback on this important topic of engaging families in student learning and wellbeing. 


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